Michael J. Perso​n​s
7 Winds Kenpo 10th Deg​ree Black Belt Grand Master
Author​ Of:
The 7 Secret Scrolls,
Beyond Shazandras Series
Sam Pai Kenpo

7 Winds Kenpo Creed
I come to you with only 7 Winds Kenpo.
I am sworn to Honor and Valor.
My heart knows only Truth.
My hand defends the innocent.
My might upholds the weak.
My word speaks only Truth.
My wrath undoes the wicked.
My shields are Truth, Honor and Valor;
God, Family, Country…7 Winds Kenpo
Michael J. Persons Creed 2-2002

7 Winds Kenpo
7 Winds Kenpo offers a complete program for training body, mind, and soul. Rooted in traditions handed down over 25 generations from the Shaolin Temple in China but with a Christian point of view, our training focuses on recognizing your unique talents and abilities and then enriching them with the wisdom and discipline of Kenpo. Programs are available for all ages and all levels from beginning to advanced levels all the way to 10th Degree Black Belt, which is Senior Master of the Art.
7 Winds Kenpo came into existence on January 2002 when my instructor, Grand Master Joe Dimmick, decided to "retire" and move to the Oregon coast. He told me that he had nothing else to teach me and that I was on my own. I spent 36 great years studying under his expert tutelage. He had provided me with a wealth of information and a great foundation. I had already begun to formulate what my own style of Kenpo would look like. I took all that I learned while we were associated with Grand Master Ed Parker's, Original and American Kenpo, as well as, what I had learned from my many years with Grand Master Dimmick's Sam Pai Kenpo and 3 Shields Kenpo, and I honor both of these great Martial Artists. I combined all this knowledge with the 27 forms (katas) that I had created and 7 Winds Kenpo was born.
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